Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Shaheen Welfare Foundation (SWF)

Brief History:
Shaheen welfare Foundation is non-profit and non-governmental organization which is striving for the sustainable development in the community. It is effort of the youngsters of the community which used to discuss the problems of the community.  They planned that there should be awareness raising, problem solving and collaborative platform for the wellbeing of public.They arranged meetings among youngsters and told them that there to many problems in our society. Low literacy rate, insufficienthealth care, less attachment to cultural heritage, violation of human rights, spreading environmental pollution and no sense of calamity management are discussed in depth. It is decided that we should develop a community based non-profit, non-governmental organization for sake of community. After organized planning Shaheen Welfare Foundation (SWF) came into being on February 19, 2012 at Nawaz Sharif Park Rawalpindi. Seven people are determined that they will do their best for the development, from their pocket money. It is decided that every member will submit at least RS. 100 for Shaheen Welfare Foundation.(S.W.F).
Shaheen Welfare Foundation (SWF) is organized group of issues understanding, aware, dutiful , committed and responsible people who are striving for the sustainable development in the society. it is voice against inequality of social and economic issues in the community, whom aim is to make youngster Eagles of Iqbal(IqbalkayShaheen) and polish their flight more firm and beautiful using scientific tools and techniques. It will arrange workshops, seminars and awareness raising campaigns for people about quality education, health care, cultural heritage, empowerment of human rights, environmental pollution and calamity management. It also spread Iqbal’s message of self reorganization to coming generations by organizing competitions of literature and knowledge, written and spoken communication powers. SWF give community sense of awareness through developmental projects. It will also fight war of human rights at every platform make people more civilized and cultured citizens of the state. Education, Health care, preservation of cultural heritage, development of social infrastructure, eradication of environmental pollution , social welfare, women rights, vocational training, rooting out ignorant and orthodox customs and traditions, welfare of human rights, developing atmosphere of brotherhood and calamity management will be focused to promoting sustainable development in the community. However core areas will be education, eradication of environmental pollution and human rights.


  1. shaheen Welfare Foundation is doing well youngster should take part in this organization. it is healthy plate-form for all people who want to do something for society and coming generations.....
    contact: 0312-5049022

  2. we want to help others by providing them skills how to hook the fish and what is the methodology to use hook?
